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Meet DJKJ : Katelyn Spencer, GULF FM's New Radio Announcer!

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Katelyn had a dream, and together, we helped her achieve it. Introducing DJKJ GULF FM's newest radio announcer for their upcoming segment, ‘K Tunes Show’.

Last week, Katelyn began her training. Between shifts, she tackled her 'homework' with determination. "I've enjoyed learning everything at the radio station. Dave has been very helpful and has a great sense of humour," Katelyn shared. The first week was overwhelming with all the buttons to learn and the nerves of speaking on air. But by her second shift, Katelyn was confidently playing her favourite playlists, sending shout-outs to family and friends, and even reading community announcements live on air.

"At first, it was a bit overwhelming, but now that I've found my confidence, I'm enjoying being a radio announcer," Katelyn said.

Working with Katelyn, Jackie Devenport and Alison Flavel from her disability support team discovered her passion for music, dance, and performing arts. When they learned that the local radio station was looking for announcers and offering training, they introduced Katelyn to the idea. She was thrilled at the thought of having her own radio segment. After helping Katelyn submit an expression of interest, Alison took her to meet Dave Hurrell at the radio station. Dave was impressed with Katelyn's enthusiasm and took her on a tour of the station.

The GULF FM Board approved Katelyn’s application, and another special moment was when Dave gave her her very own headphones and microphone sock. "I now have a 'microphone sock' to keep the microphone clean and my own headphones," Katelyn shared.

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We are incredibly proud of Katelyn and her journey to becoming a radio announcer. Congratulations to Katelyn, Jackie, Alison, Dave, and everyone involved.

We can't wait to tune in to GULF FM’s ‘K Tunes Show’ with DJKJ - don't forget to send your requests in!

From Everyone at ITEC Group.

PS. Reach out if you or someone you care about needs support to empower their potential. Contact us at 1300 004 832 or email us at